Results for 'G. V. Riel'

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  1.  8
    Idei︠a︡ sovershenstva v psikhologii i kulʹture.G. V. Ivanchenko - 2007 - Moskva: Smysl.
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  2. Ubezhdenie v ego otnoshenii k znanii︠u︡ i vere.G. V. Shcherbakova - 1984 - Tomsk: Izd-vo Tomskogo universiteta.
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    Vidimoe i modusy ego prezentat︠s︡ii v iskusstve: monografii︠a︡.G. V. Avdoshin - 2013 - Kazanʹ: Kazanskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ ėnergeticheskiĭ universitet.
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    Method of establishing deducibility in classical predicate calculus.G. V. Davydov - 1969 - In A. O. Slisenko, Studies in constructive mathematics and mathematical logic. New York,: Consultants Bureau. pp. 1--4.
  5. Metod v deĭstvii: opyt t︠s︡elostnogo ovladenii︠a︡ naslediem K. Marksa.G. V. Stark - 1988 - Rostov-na-Donu: Izd-vo Rostovskogo universiteta. Edited by I︠U︡. R. Tishchenko.
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  6. Idei gumanizma v obshchestvennoĭ mysli Azerbaĭdzhana: vtorai︠a︡ polovina XIX i nachalo XX veka.G. V. Khalilov - 1984 - Baku: Ėlm.
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  7. Problema cheloveka v rannegrecheskoĭ filosofii.G. V. Drach - 1987 - Rostov-na-Donu: Izd-vo Rostovskogo universiteta.
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  8. Ontologii︠a︡ i︠a︡zyka kak obshchestvennogo i︠a︡vlenii︠a︡.G. V. Stepanov & V. Z. Panfilov (eds.) - 1983 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka".
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  9. Ėvalʹd Vasilʹevich Ilʹenkov v vospominanii︠a︡kh.G. V. Lobastov (ed.) - 2004 - Moskva: Filosofskoe ob-vo "Dialektika i kulʹtura".
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    Organizational Learning and the Development of Global Health Educational Capabilities: Critical Reflections on a Decade of Practice.Jeffrey V. Johnson, Rosemary F. Riel, Yolanda Ogbolu, Marik Moen, Anne Brenner & Emilia Iwu - 2014 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 42 (S2):50-59.
  11.  19
    Technics and Social Progress.G. V. Osipov - 1962 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 22 (4):596-599.
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    I. ABHANDLUNGEN: I. Die hekcatomphonien.G. V. Unger - 1867 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 25 (1-4):1-12.
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    Obʺektivnai︠a︡ kartina mira v poznanii i i︠a︡zyke.G. V. Kolshanskiĭ - 1990 - Moskva: Nauka. Edited by A. M. Shakhnarovich.
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  14. Two Aspects Concerning General Theory of directed numbers by Franco Spisani and an application.G. V. Orman - 1985 - International Logic Review 32:67-71.
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    Zu Xenophons Symposion.G. V. Reitig - 1879 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 38 (1-4):584-584.
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    Platonic ideas and concept formation in ancient and medieval thought.Carlos G. Steel, Gerd van Riel, Caroline Macé & Leen van Campe (eds.) - 2004 - Leuven: Leuven University Press.
    From an epistemological viewpoint, the Forms constitute the objects of true knowledge. From an ontological point of view, they are the principles that underlie the order of the universe.
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    Evaluation of patient rights practices in a developing country: the Edirne model for the implementation of patient rights in Turkey.G. V. Saracoglu, B. Tokuc, F. Guler & H. Gul - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (8):488-493.
    Objective The aim of this study was to examine the development of the implementation of patient rights and the practical course of patient rights legislation in Edirne, as well as the verbal and written applications to relevant departments between 2004 and 2008. Methods The present study was a descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional study. The data of the study were obtained by retrospectively reviewing records of written complaints to patient rights units and on-site solutions between 2004, the year of establishment of (...)
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  18.  30
    Hobbes e Bramhall: O Debate Acerca do Livre-Arbítrio.G. V. Luz - 2013 - Páginas de Filosofía 5 (2):59-67.
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    Malaria—: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.G. V. Brown & G. J. V. Nossal - 1985 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 30 (1):65-76.
  20. Gilles Deleuze, Critique et Clinique.G. V. Dowd - 1995 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 3 (2):358-358.
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  21. Michael Hardt, Gilles Deleuze: an Apprenticeship in Philosophy.G. V. Dowd - 1995 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 3 (2):359-361.
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  22.  27
    On the electrical excitability of the auditory organ on the effect of alternating currents on the normal auditory apparatus.G. V. Gersuni & A. A. Volokhov - 1936 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 19 (3):370.
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    (1 other version)Some difficulties of the social sciences.G. V. Portus - 1927 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 5 (1):29 – 35.
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    Mnogourovnevai︠a︡ pedagogicheskai︠a︡ sistema formirovanii︠a︡ gotovnosti lichnosti k pedagogicheskoĭ dei︠a︡telʹnosti.G. V. Akhmetzhanova - 2002 - Saratov: Nauchnai︠a︡ kniga.
  25. Rossiĭskoe soznanie: istoriko-psikhologicheskie ocherki.G. V. Akopov - 1999 - Samara: Samarskiĭ gos. pedagogicheskiĭ universitet.
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  26. Rossiĭskoe soznanie: psikhologii︠a︡, fenomenologii︠a︡, kulʹtura: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik nauchnykh trudov.G. V. Akopov, O. M. Buranov & V. A. Shkuratov (eds.) - 1994 - Samara: Izd-vo SamGPI.
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  27. Dialektika razumnoĭ formy i fenomenologii︠a︡ bezumii︠a︡.G. V. Lobastov - 2012 - Moskva: Russkai︠a︡ panorama.
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  28. Idealʹnoe: Ilʹenkov i Lifshit︠s ︡.G. V. Lobastov (ed.) - 2004 - Moskva: RGGU.
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    Adventures in the Aporetic: Anthropological Alterities.G. V. Loewen - 2005 - Upa.
    This book attempts, through a series of interpretive discussions, to confront a number of well-known perplexities in their structural form of disjunctive moments, of interpretive contexts of 'this is' and 'this is not.'.
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    Hermeneutical Apprenticeships: Essays, Epigrams, Verse.G. V. Loewen - 2003 - Upa.
    The author contends that living is a process of interpretation and thinking is a dialogue between experience and reflecting.
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    Chanhu-daro Excavations, 1935-1936.G. V. Bobrinskoy & Ernest J. H. Mackay - 1944 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 64 (2):86.
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    Рождение античной философии и начало антропологической проблематики.G. V. Drach - 2003 - Moskva: Gardariki.
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    Rozhdenie antichnoĭ filosofii i nachalo antropologicheskoĭ problematiki.G. V. Drach - 2003 - Moskva: Gardariki.
  34. Gemma Corradi Fiumara, The Other Side of Language.G. V. Dowd - 1997 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 5:494-494.
  35.  18
    Beauty and sobornost - the basis of the spirituality of the Slavic peoples.G. V. Parshykova - 1998 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 7:43-46.
    The cornerstone of the world view of the ancient Slavs is the sensation of the beauty and sanctity of the world and life. They considered the whole universe as a temple and therefore did not build the temples themselves, but revered the sacred forests, rivers, mountains. Hence their desire for conciliarity, that is, for the spiritual unification of people and nature. But to unite the nations only beauty, this international language, understandable to all is capable. Beauty is our true creator. (...)
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    Do drug advertisements provide therapeutic information?G. V. Stimson - 1977 - Journal of Medical Ethics 3 (1):7-13.
    In this study of advertisements appearing in medical periodicals and by direct mail advertising to general practitioners, Dr. Stimson, a sociologist, concludes that from what is intended to provide therapeutic information hardly any therapeutic information is provided. He reminds the reader of the safeguards which surround all drug advertising by law and by the code of practice of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry but these safeguards do not appear to control real or potential sins of omission. Frequently in (...)
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    Nepriznannai︠a︡ nauka =: Unrecognized science.G. V. Belov - 2012 - Moskva: Grifon.
    Предназначено для представителей науки и образования, политических партий, общественных и религиозных организаций, органов государственного управления.
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    A Line of Brāhmī Script in a Babylonian Contract TabletA Line of Brahmi Script in a Babylonian Contract Tablet.G. V. Bobrinskoy - 1936 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 56 (1):86.
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  39. Markovnikov, Vladimir Vasilevich.G. V. Bykov - 2008 - In Noretta Koertge, Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Charles Scribner’s Sons.
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  40. Filosofskai︠a︡ teologii︠a︡ antichnosti: analiticheskiĭ obzor.G. V. Khlebnikov - 2005 - Moskva: Inion Ran.
    ch. 1. Dosokratiki, Sokrat, Platon, Aristotelʹ -- v. 2. Likeĭ, ėpikup, stoi͡a, Pirron, akademii͡a, neopifagoreizm, Plotin i neoplatonizm.
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    The phenomenon of the time and its dimensions in the Chr. Ransmayr’s novel “Cox oder Der Lauf der Zeit”.G. V. Kuchumova - 2023 - Liberal Arts in Russia 12 (3):151-156.
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  42. The East-Central European Region: A Historical Outline. By George H. Hodos.G. V. Strong - 2003 - The European Legacy 8 (1):128-129.
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    The Vienna Ringstrasse as iconography: Socio-political history and Baukunst during the era of Franz Joseph i of Austria.G. V. Strong - 1986 - History of European Ideas 7 (4):377-388.
  44. Welfare, Modernity, and the Weimar State, 1919-1933. By Young-Sun Hong.G. V. Strong - 2000 - The European Legacy 5 (5):759-759.
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    Notes on Chronological Problems in the Aristotelian ἈΘΗΝΑΙΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ.G. V. Sumner - 1961 - Classical Quarterly 11 (3-4):129-129.
    Since these notes were written, news has come of the finding at Troizen of an inscription purporting to bear a decree proposed by Themistokles in 480, which is relevant to Part II above, pp. 33–35. If this new evience is valid, it would appear to confirm the view expressed there to some extent.
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  46. The mozarabic chronicle of 754 and the location of the berber victory over the army of Kultüm.G. V. Summer - 1980 - Al-Qantara 1 (1):443-446.
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    The total number of functional cells in the cerebral cortex of man, and the percentage of the total volume of the cortex composed of nerve cell bodies, calculated from Karl Hammarberg's data; together with a comparison of the number of giant cells with the number of pyramidal fibers.G. V. N. Dearborn - 1901 - Psychological Review 8 (2):219-220.
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  48. Ādi Śaṅkarācāryaḥ =.G. V. Iyer & M. Balamurali Krishna (eds.) - 2007 - Eagle Home Entertainment.
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  49. Kontekstnai︠a︡ semantika.G. V. Kolshanskiĭ - 1980 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka,".
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  50. Myslitʹ pravilʹno--znachit myslitʹ logichno.G. V. Pugach - 1963
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